Category Archives: Uncategorized

1,000 Incarnations Of The Rose Festival – April 13-15 in Takoma Park, MD

Fans of this site know that the American Primitive style of guitar is very important to us, in fact, it touches on almost everything we do.  Longtime fan, documentarian and overall champion of the genre Jesse Sheppard along with the help of Glenn Jones and others has organized this once in a lifetime meeting of players and enthusiasts, and it promises to be an incredible weekend. Many of the leading lights of instrumental acoustic guitar will be performing, and there will also be film screenings and panel discussions.

Performers include Glenn Jones, Nick Schillace, Sara Louise, Chuck Johnson, Daniel Bachman, Alexander, Rob Noyes, Peter Lang, Marisa Anderson, Max Ochs, Alexander Turnquist, Dylan Aycock, and many, many more!

Passes are limited, and available to purchase now through the festival website, There you can also get the schedule, directions, and the full list of performers.

Stefan Grossman, The Work & Worry Interview – PART 2

Stefan_Master_TapeIn PART 1 of our Stefan Grossman interview, we talked a lot about acoustic guitars, what Stefan’s early instruments were like, and how his preferences evolved as the years went on. In this section, we talk about Stefan’s “European Period”, which lasted from the mid ’60s until the early ’80s, his relationship with some well-known European guitarists, and the beloved Kicking Mule record label that he cofounded with Ed Denson.

W&W – When you first got to England, you had already met Eric Clapton and Ginger Baker (from Cream) back in New York… did you get involved immediately with the folk scene, or did you dabble with the rock guys as well?

Stefan – Well, I hung out with Eric… I stayed at his place, we hung out and played. The first place I went when I was allowed into England – the customs people hesitated to let me in – was to go to Gingerʼs place. He lived in a very, very modest house. We would go to a pub, Iʼd hang out with The Cream as they were getting their stuff together, I would go to gigs with them…
My friend Mark Silber had been there the year before, and so had Danny Kalb. There was a house on Somali Road… on one floor, there was a group called The Young Tradition, with Heather Wood, Royston Wood and Peter Bellamy, they sang traditional English music, unaccompanied. On the other floor was John Renbourn and Bert Jansch. I just went down to say hello to The Young Tradition, I didnʼt know them… they said “Weʼve heard all about you, play a set at this club…” I had my Stella, and I did a set. Somehow, there was a reporter from The Observer, and I was written up in the Sunday paper! Heather said “You know, you could play around here, thereʼs folk clubs, thereʼs a whole scene…” Continue reading

Jack Rose “Luck In The Valley” Record Release And Memorials

There will be memorial shows for the late Jack Rose in Philly and NYC on the weekend of February 13 and 14th. The first will also double as the record release for his upcoming Thrill Jockey disc Luck In The Valley.

2/13/2010 :
From :

Jack Rose passed away suddenly at home in Philadelphia on December 5. He was widely regarded as the most profound exponent of acoustic guitar playing of his generation. Jack grew to be loved and admired by a great many people through his live performances, electric personality, profound cooking skills and a general mastery in the art of friendship. This concert is a release party for his new album Luck In The Valley and an occasion to celebrate and remember the good Dr. Ragtime. The artists performing were all dear friends of Jack’s and admired by him musically.

This event takes place at the Latvian Society of Philadelphia, 531 N. 7th St, on Saturday 2/13 at 7pm. The list of performers is trans-Atlantic and impressive…

D. Charles Speer & The Helix
Thurston Moore | Paul Flaherty | Chris Corsano
Michael Chapman
The Black Twig Pickers
Glenn Jones
Byron Coley
Meg Baird | Chris Forsyth
Magajam Booze Band
DJ Ian Nagoski
Video clips curated by Tara Young

The show is 21+, and tickets can be purchased here for $18.
For more info, please email brooke.sietinsons (at)

2/14/2010 :
“A Valentine For Jack Rose” at Issue Project Room, Brooklyn NY
February 14, 2010, 8PM doors, 8:30 start
$8-15 sliding scale

Micheal Chapman
Steve Gunn
The Black Twig Pickers
Glenn Jones
Tom Carter
Marcia Bassett

For more info, email regina (at)